Many events have been canceled, postponed or gone online since the coronavirus pandemic. New Event-type structured data tags allow Google to report it for percussion in its SERPs …
Following the epidemic of coronavirus (Covid-19) in France and around the world, many events are canceled, postponed or later, when possible, in online version. In our field, for example was the case of SEO Camp’us, seen at the end of March and which was staggered in September. This problem has been repeated for many fairs, concerts, or simply training sessions, etc.
To manage this, Google announced yesterday on its blog for webmasters an evolution of the Event structured data tag to take into account the current situation.
Thus, the eventStatus property will be able to receive data EventCancelled (cancellation of the event), EventPostponed (setting a later date), EventRescheduled (indication of the new date) or EventMovedOnline / VirtualLocation (modification of the which is now available online).
Developers can thus integrate this new situation into the web pages presenting the event (the syntax complu00e8te is available here).
Google then gives the following advice: make an XML Sitemap listing the addresses of the pages thus modified (with a lastmod field for today’s date) and then submit it to Google using a ping. The Sitemap XL will then be quickly taken into account with the URLs, therefore the web pages, that it contains.
Let’s also take advantage of this article on event-type structured data tags to say that Google has recently confirmed the new type of event display in its SERPs (as we announced at the end of last year) . This new display is available in English (Australia, Canada, India, United Kingdom, United States), Spanish (Latin America) and Portuguese (Brazil). Nothing for the moment in French, but we can think that it will not be long

New display of events in Google SERPs. Source: Google